The executive chairman of Sonae, Cláudia Azevedo, is one of the subscribers of the European Ecological Pact, an initiative of the World Economic Forum that brings together presidents of 30 multinational companies for a new European growth model. Textile and fashion companies like Salsa, Zippy or Mo are part of the Sonae group.
The document points to a new growth model based on circularity, renewable energy and low carbon industries, a lack that the Covid-19 pandemic has made obvious.
“The recovery from this pandemic is the opportunity for the European economy to reinvent itself and make progress in implementing a model of sustainable growth, which respects the environment, creates economic and social value and protects future generations”, underlines Cláudia Azevedo.
For that to happen, the subscribers commit to developing and participating in partnerships that aim to reduce the carbon footprint, and to adopt new production models in their organizations, contributing to the decarbonization of the European economy and to climate neutrality by 2050.