March 30th, 23



Rifertex “launched its first jersey knit composed with a yarn 30% pineapple and 70% cotton by Tearfil”, revealed André Ribeiro, Operations executive from Rifertex to T Jornal. The new blend is more resistant than cotton and stands out for sustainability. And on the other hand, it makes it clear that sustainability is increasingly a path that the market demands.

Although made with Tearfil yarn, the new mesh “does not result directly from a partnership, but rather from a request from a customer”, adds the executive. The sample of around 15 kg resulted from a request for that specific yarn from Tearfil, with “Rifertex producing the sample and developing technical issues of the mesh to satisfy the customer”, he stresses.

“Although the production principle is the same as cotton threads, the integration of pineapple fibers in the knits helps the textile industry to become increasingly environmentally friendly and sustainable”, having also been “an opportunity to try this thread in our circular looms”, says André Ribeiro.

Rifertex is one of the partners from Smartex, having been the knitwear company that helped the startup improve its prototype for reducing textile waste even before Smartex existed as a company. “Its foundations came from Rifertex”, emphasized.

“Rifertex has maintained for more than a decade a philosophy of acquiring new (modern and efficient) looms every year, and plans to continue doing so”, explains the Operations executive, also revealing that the investment in solar panels “which significantly reduce energy costs have already returned their investment”.

For 2023, Rifertex intends to increase the installed capacity of solar panels, continue its partnership with Smartex – “supporting the development of new defect detection systems” – and continue the commitment to acquire more productive, modern machines (looms) and more energy efficient.
