The online luxury fashion platform Farfetch has just announced a new edition of the Plug-in Mentoring For Girls program, which opportunities for young women with higher education. The goal is to offer expert advice and support from professionals in the areas of technology, engineering and mathematics.
Farfetch will welcome 10 candidates to join the mentoring program, scheduled to start on April 8. “Throughout the program [the young women] will have access to formal quarterly sessions, with coaching and access to different areas, the opportunity to apply the knowledge gathered, and exchange experiences and opportunities related to their professional path”, advances the platform in a statement.
The objective is to encourage more women to choose a career in the technological areas: “at Farfetch, we employ a group of remarkable women who are making a very interesting path (…) we want to show these candidates that they too can be brilliant in the future and, who knows, be part of our team”, adds Ana Sousa, responsible for the company’s Human Resources department. More information about the Plug-in Mentoring for Girls program here.
In the beginning of this year, the luxury fashion giant started the seventh edition of its Plug-in internship program, also aimed at young graduates and focusing on the areas of technology and data management.