June 07th 2024



Twintex is preparing to merge its two production units into a single space in the Fundão industrial estate. It’s already known as the Twintex Campus and is part of a package of PRR support for the company, totalling around 6 million euros.

‘At the moment we have a logistics centre that also houses the warehouse for fabrics, accessories and finished products, which is separated by around 5km from the factory, which means that there is a daily repetition of tasks and transport between the logistics centre and the factory,’ Mico Mineiro told T Jornal.

‘The logistics centre was created in 2019 and the reason for not adding the factory to logistics from the start was because the investment would have been huge. So we decided to make the investment safely only in 2019. Five years on, I feel we have the stability needed to make the combination,’ continues the chief operating officer (COO).

The main advantage is productivity: ‘It will be much more efficient, much more productive, while I believe it will reduce the number of communication errors and have a much smaller impact on the environment,’ says Mico Mineiro. The first line will be transferred by September this year, but full completion of the work is scheduled for December 2025.

When asked about 2023, Mico Mineiro says that it was ‘an extraordinary year, with increased turnover’, the main reason being people’s desire to recover what they lost during COVID. ‘People were under pressure during 2020 and 2021, in 2022 sales soared, tourism boomed and 2023 continued this trend,’ he says.

The company’s main markets are Europe and North America, split 50-50. The goal for 2024 is to be a year of consolidating results and partnerships. ‘The year 2024 got off to a slow start,’ says Mico Mineiro.
