August 31st, 23



The second edition of the Febratex Summit took place on the 23rd and 24th of August in Blumenau, Brazil, which, in the words of the CEO of RDD Textiles to T Jornal, “was a success for the Brazilian textile industry”. Ana Tavares, who participated in this success, made a very positive assessment of the evident evolution in the event.

“The Summit’s lectures and new format brought to the stage much of the industry evolution seen since 2019. Congratulations to the Febratex team, the balance is positive!”, highlighted the CEO of RDD Textiles.

The Portuguese presence also included Braz Costa, general director of CITEVE, and Ricardo Silva, CEO of Tintex Textiles, at an event focused on the textile and clothing sustainability.

The contribution of Braz Costa was on the ‘Bioeconomy of textiles: the critical path towards carbon neutrality’, and Ricardo Silva debated with André Klein from the company Dalila Têxteis a new vision on the future of fabrics. Ana Tavares took the stage on the 24th with her partner Amanda Parkes, director of innovation at Pangaia, to discuss ‘More sustainable and innovative businesses: from knit production to the fashion market’.

In the mediation was Paulo Salgado, CEO of the Portuguese company Sampless. The director-general of CITEVE also took the stage that day to reflect on ‘The strategy of European Union for the sustainability and circularity of textiles’.

After the success of the second edition and under the scientific curation of CITEVE, the organization already has a date set for the next edition: it will take place between the 20th and 23rd of August 2024.
