Manuel Serrão
"Portugal is now a producer and exporter of quality products, flexible and close, and with very competitive value. At the AICEP delegation in Spain, we acknowledge that significant evolution", says Luís Moura
ICEP delegations are really spearheading the movement of internationalization of the Portuguese companies…
AICEP’s physical presence in the markets is a plus that should be availed by all companies and associations involved in internationalization processes. It allows not only to accompany trends, innovations and competition, but also the market’s variants and nuances, as well as multiply contacts with decision-makers, influencers and buyers, which leads to identifying opportunities and generate business.
The ‘Portugal’ brand adds, subtracts or is it neutral?
Over the last 20 years we have witnessed a total paradigm shift of the perception of Portugal as a producer and exporter of quality products, flexible and close, and with very competitive value within the “Made in EU” space. At the AICEP delegation in Spain, we acknowledge a very significant evolution under this domain: in the past, we would receive requests of factory listings based on lowest price. Nowadays companies contact us because they know that the quality of the Portuguese products is higher.
Regarding fashion and textiles, how do you see the evolution of the Portuguese product’s image in Spain?
In the private label production, the change of perception has been very clear, and the Spanish brands, which have almost completely abandoned the industrial activity, have found in Portugal a close and, therefore, natural partner that complements them. Much harder, though, has been the experience of the Portuguese fashion brands, which find Spain one of the most competitive markets in the world. Nevertheless there are stories of success worth mentioning, such as Salsa, Parfois and Loja do Gato Preto.
Spain is the champion of our textile exports. Is there room to grow?
In some subsectors it will most likely decrease because when consumption plummets, the big brands will turn towards lower prices in Asia, Northern Africa or Turkey. However, there is a new group of Spanish brands, entrepreneurs and companies that are growing online and are looking for industrial partners in Portugal. Also, in the technical textile and sustainable eco fashion segments, Portugal’s proximity and industrial capacity are a tremendous asset.
Luís Moura, 47 years old, the AICEP delegate in Madrid is a Bachelor in Economics (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Masters in Economics (Université catholique de Louvain) and European Studies (College d'Europe, Bruges). He has worked for over 22 years at ICEP/AICEP, having been a delegate to Canada, United States and Angola. He has been in Madrid since 2016