Jorge Pereira
e are currently going through a worldwide economic crisis and it’s crucial for companies to fight it. They shall take advantage of the weakening of global competition due to the conjuncture that already existed and that was drastically sharpened by Covid-19 but also through the creation of strategies to value the product either by its added value, or its history and influence it may bring in the target market and segment.
Sometimes the country of origin in some markets or market segments is not irrelevant, as the connotation associated, even if unconsciously, may be very positive or very negative.
The prestige is gained or maintained for being a synonym of tradition and perceived quality or is lost for being connotated by historical reasons and usual low quality. For other markets the brands’ features are essential to the creation of brand value.
The price factor will always be the Archilles heel for many products and markets. Brands need to stand out from each other so as to conquer real credibility and authenticity, thus managing to subsist in such a global world where the speed of change is more and more frequent.
Creative brands are using Storytelling more and more so as to present themselves to the market in an irreverent way, making the consumer identify with brand culture or even brand organization.
Using a story rich in values may weaken other less positive factors, mainly when we value the preservation of our planet resources, the collaborators of our organizations or any other strategy that show through A+B that it is worth to dream with the philosophy of the story conveyed by the recently acquired good. And admiration grows.
This story isn’t only important for the person who tells it but also to the brand’s collaborators and clients. It ends up strengthening the connection and loyalty that all organizations fight to conquer, cultivating a group of supporters that end up sharing and promoting the same story.
This objective is attainable through the human emotions that are purposefully subjacent to it. Empathy and true emotional bonds are generated but we only manage them when we understand our clients’ thoughts and feelings. The most important is to be able to build a story that is true, exclusive and that conveys the true values represented by the brand.
Who has never questioned oneself about how a project, an organization or brand emerged? Who has never wondered about the unknown imaginary beyond a success?
Let’s tell our brands’ stories and let’s make a difference. Once upon a time…